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The Most Caring Lighting Supplier

As a builder or contractor, you put your reputation on the line with every project. We understand that and we want to help you win.

We know that a missing or broken fixture can cause project delays in the final push for project completion and we work tirelessly to avoid that. We work with you to find dependable products, lower your costs and provide project certainty when you need it most. We have years of experience working with renovators, builders and multifamily developers. You can count on us.

Our promises to you

  • Technical Knowledge
    Lighting is much more than an art. It's also a science. We are trained experts so it pays to talk to us first.

  • Specific Advice
    We take the time to understand your needs, then provide specific tips, cost saving ideas and how-to's.

  • Certainty
    For builders, we coordinate partial shipments to minimize onsite inventory, product breakages and construction delays.

  • Experience
    We have supplied many construction and renovation projects and we know what works.

Contact Us

Talk to us about your upcoming project. We can meet with you, provide input into your specifications or assist with your project bid. Fill out the form below and we'll get back to you soon.

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